AYLOR - The Scarred Land

Holster Dress

Holster Dress

5 Shot Cape, Double Trigger Top, Hideaway Pants

Detained Dress

Captured Top, Collector Skirt

Revolve Dress

Bridget Hall

I presented my Debut collection at our [re-align] grad parade. It was a fantastic night and thankyou for everyone who came and supported me. This collection featured my Selvedge to Selvedge system, which shows zero waste in all of the garments. I found inspiration from another aspect of my heritage, James Taylor married Ben Hall (the bushranger's ) wife Bridgett. The way in which the landscape of the time was treated by its inhabitants influenced the collection. Fred Williams, a late artist who influences AYLOR paints a connection to the Australian landscape, this influenced the collection. Williams balances ‘artistic tradition with a spirit of innovation.’ Landscapes have been depicted by artists for some time, Williams’s shows innovation by painting the landscapes essence.
In Williams’s work a discovery of each individual place is evoked, however he found that although different, each place held common attributes. I have shown these common attributes in my collection and  moved past the people who resided in the place and begin to connect to a wider sense of place. These commonalities mean that although the inspiration is local Australia, it can connect to a wider audience.
I will be posting more information as well as my photoshoot soon

Red Photography
Models: Stefania Kightley, Rebecca Niumeitolu, Hannah Grant, Amy Podetti, Tomasina Purcell

[1] 2011 Williams, F, Infinite Horizons